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[Contract] Strengthening the Infrastructure for International Cooperation in IT Broadcasting (NIPA)

최고관리자 2024-05-22 (수) 14:47 4개월전 1571  

ICT 산업 진흥 전문기관 '정보통신산업진흥원' CEO 김창용 원장 < CEO경영평가 > 공기업 < 기사본문 - CEO랭킹뉴스 

Culture Marketing Company was selected as the service agency for managing the "Strengthening ihe Infrastructure for International Cooperation in IT Broadcasting" organized and hosted by the National IT Industry Promotion Agency.  


-------------------------------------- Business Overview ------------------------------------------



● Strengthening the Infrastructure for International Cooperation in IT Broadcasting (NIPA)  


- Business Name : Information and Communication Broadcasting International Cooperation Infrastructure Reinforcement Operation Support Service

- Necessities : 

  It is necessary to strengthen the infrastructure for G2G cooperation in the information and communication broadcasting sector for the stable promotion of the government's foreign policy (new, north and south) and digital new deal policies 

- Purpose :

  Establishment of stable private exchange and advancement by establishing a network of cooperation between governments for the overseas expansion of domestic companies in the information and communication broadcasting sector

- Business Details :

  Promotion of regular consultative bodies and bilateral and multilateral meetings to strengthen cooperation infrastructure for major partner countries in the field of information and communication broadcasting

 ■ Strengthen cooperation interests between governments by promoting high-level meetings with major advanced countries around the world such as the U.S., China, and the U.K 

 ■ Understanding the international situation and securing new opportunities for cooperation through policy exchanges in the field of information and communication broadcasting with international organizations such as the G20, ASEAN, UN, and ITU